I've been mentioning my novella, Benson, a lot. I failed to mention I have another story finished that will be available at some point in the next three months or more. Krae, if you haven't translated the word, Krae yet, it means, crow. She has a heightened sense of smell. This post is going to be quick as I have to get back to her needs on the page. The story is in a critical round of edits, and if I don't get back to it, it may get cold. I can't neglect the stories needs any longer. Here's a small taste of Krae and her sensitivity:
a dog and a toddler. The toddler leaves a bathroom, the dog’s a hundred feet
away and the toddler has shit on the ass or better yet, rolling down the leg.
The shit smells one thousand times more potent to the dog than it does to the
parent who has the task of cleaning it up. The dog isn’t troubled. In fact, the
protein in the feces is an attraction because it smells like dinner. My nose is
like that dog’s. I can smell a lot of things, intricately and intensely,
because my condition provides my olfactory with hypersensitivity. My nose always
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