Thursday, May 06, 2021

Love Has Won / Love has DIED / Writing Blog / Horror Blog

A few months ago, in a deep effort to research, I was sucked into a cult like group named "Love Has Won". The cult was disturbing, to say the least, so I was intrigued. I wanted to learn more,  eventually hopping on to one of the "live streams" hosted here on, yours truly, facebook. 

In a "nut" shell and I put emphasis on the word "NUT", the cult was about a woman who claimed to have lived  over five hundred different lives. This woman, Amy Carlson, also said she was GOD. You heard it right. The woman was an alcoholic, abandoned two of her children and convinced  followers that she was bringing peace to the world. 

I didn't believe their cause or doctrine. I did have to study this cult-de-personality. There's one reason that I put any energy into this woman. She resembled my character Quinn in my novel, Symptom, (release date sometime in the distant future, short story can be found in Morpheus Tales Magazine #5 on Amazon). 

A theory I have is that this woman stumbled on my short story , was enamored by it, like the editor of the magazine was, and she became Quinn's background story. I know, laughable, but feasible. She was actually found, like so many other cult leaders of the world, dead. Fortunately her group of followers weren't found deceased. She was partially mummified, wrapped up in  material with Christmas lights strewn around her body. She was dead for approximately a month. 

No disrespect to the dead, but if you claim to be God, you would not have let a disease like alcoholism destroy your "temple". I wanted to toss this information out there, for the record and for the curious here on Tim Eagle Fiction. View this as my "snapshot" of gas prices during a new presidential administration. A small window into the world, and take from it what you will. There are times when I vicariously jump into a research topic, but  I never get burned by the fires. The flames hurt too much. Thanks for reading. 

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