Tuesday, May 04, 2021

Social Media Challenge / I Almost DID it! / Writing Blog / Horror Blog

Can you stop yourself from social media? Can you black it out for a day? Let me know if you can give social media a break for a day. 

I made a challenge yesterday, not to be on social media for the day. (disclosure: my wife and I share an account, so if anyone saw the green dot that I was active on facebook, it was Maria, I can guarantee that! LOL) I made zero posts, no comments (small confession, I made one comment), and limited that all so energy sucking screen time. The task was hard, I caved for two minutes on facebook and responded to someone who added Blood, Dreams & Tears to their TBR list,  but I DID IT!

I was shocked at how much time this freed up. I was appalled at how habitual my own use of social media had become. For a minute I almost forgot my cell phone was for calls and not the social media apps eating valuable memory and battery life. My phone battery only needed to be topped off at night, due to music streaming. The pressure to post, comment, like and share was there, trust me, but I didn't succumb to it. That pressure builds day in and day out, especially when I'm trying to self promote my FREE, yes, FREE, Kindle version of Blood, Dreams & Tears (two days left so what are you waiting for go get your copy?!). 

At the end of the night, a sense of calm overwhelmed me. I made it a personal vow of mine to give social media a break one day out of every week. Maybe, like a good diet routine or exercise routine, it will bring good things, maybe? I have been smoke free now for almost one year and have quit many times before, so like anything else, it's mind power, "I think I can, I think I can." 

I hope that this post will serve as a fair warning that if I don't respond, or don't post for the day, it's just me, giving social media a break and cleansing my soul, giving it much needed breathing time and a mental break. Thanks for reading!

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