Saturday, May 01, 2021

So Small / A piece of my Mind / Writing BLOG / Horror BLOG

Have you ever woke up in the morning and felt small? Tiny, like a scurrying ant in the world. Social Media really reverberates negatively with me and probably you as well. It stirs the old high school years and that popularity anxiety that I used to get. You know, where there is that group of kids that are the central focus of the school, and everyone going to school, and you're not a part of it? 

Social Media and its users, are a lot like that high school popularity. It is a large vast cesspool and it will do everything to bring anyone down into the eddying waters. It will force one's eyes to the "likes", "hearts", "hugs", "angry" buttons and can create some deep rooted animosity putting pressure on the next victim to post something and expect the same attention. I like to think that it really doesn't bother me, but it does. I hated high school for the cliques. I despise those who go through this world and are adorned with praise, attention, and put into the light like some unfettered demigod. 

I was raised to work hard. I was raised to go after my dreams, like so many. Maria and I have raised seven children and delivered that message to each one, loud and clear . So if you have ever woke to this world and felt smaller than what you really are, it's an illusion. There are cliques, yes, but those cliques will rot from within, they will disappear. Look back at the high school cliques, do they still exist, probably, but they aren't where they used to be. Those cliques are now tarnished and rusty. Everything fades and if you did wake up this morning with that "small" feeling, don't worry, it will fade. I have tucked my angst away and have written this for you, my friends as encouragement, as well as for a way for my own muddied brain to be cleared.

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