Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Finding our life's Dream / Sharing our PLAN / A Beautiful Mothership / Writing Blog / Horror Blog

There's a lot of planning still due in our life. This past summer I made an announcement and I'm going to break it down for EVERYONE, right here, right now. After years of research, at least three, we decided to get rid of our "sticks and bricks" a place that we call Dark Nest. We have watched videos, done some long term trips with the Mothership, Maria looked at me, on one of those long trips, and said, "Why don't we do this full time?" 

I looked back, and without hesitation said, "You're on!" I got to work.

First, we ensured that we were financially stable enough to sustain life on the road. We paid things off and only paid cash for other large purchases, this was a practice that we got into with all of our Airstreams through the years. This was no easy feat, but with control of your life and finances, anything is possible. Our seven children became adults (a story in and of itself) and we were staring at the walls. As pretty as Dark Nest was, we had to make a change, we had to start, somewhere. Last year we began, painting, filling cracks, and finished up much needed projects on our nest. We dwindled the projects down to about two more before leaving for the warmth this winter 2020/2021.

It was a hard decision, for most to digest. We got bored with the scenery, of the same walls, albeit eye popping with an open floorplan and wood floors throughout, our life was mundane. We wanted to travel the United States, we wanted to see trees, water, rock, desert and everything in between. 

The second step in making this move, after financially preparing, was to get rid of STUFF. I know the word isn't very polite, but it's the word that explains the boxes, totes, and memorabilia stuffed into every nook and cranny of our physical life. We began selling our yard things because it was spring time when we arrived back to Michigan in 2020. We sold every piece of outdoor furniture we owned.  We contacted our adult kids and began dividing the sentimental things of our lives, between them. We did this as fair as possible and made it open season on the things that they wanted that we weren't as attached to. It went well. 

This winter we moved back to the south avoiding that crazy cold that our fair weathered friends in Michigan are enduring. I have lined up a realtor and have high hopes that sometime in May/June, with the help of a Novena to St. Joseph, we sell our Dark Nest to someone that's going to love it. It's bittersweet, yes, but we're not getting younger, and we want to enjoy the little things, the moments we have, together. We love watching our family grow, we love watching as our adults kids make moves in their own lives that better their well being. We are ready for this journey. I will forever pick up the pen, or the keyboard in most instances, and keep my friends, family and anyone who cares about our life story, in the loop. 

I posted the announcement on YouTube here: Good Bye to Dark Nest this video also includes a tour, albeit slightly scant. Thanks for stopping by!

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