Monday, February 15, 2021

All the Good Things / Why do GOOD Things come to an END? / Writing Blog / Horror Blog

Okay, the end of my free short story posted here a couple weeks ago, is leaving, as of today. I hope that everyone enjoyed it. I'm working with my publisher to try and get it in a small e-collection , so if you didn't get the chance to read it on the blog here, all seven short parts, you snoozed. If you snoozed, you know how the saying goes. The first character that I really loved writing about also came to an end when it was time.

Speaking of  that character...I had a productive week of writing last week, on the blog, as well as in my novel, which was inspired by my first published, short story Symptom from 2009 (it's only $2.99 & was published in Morpheus Tales). The story features my favorite character Fabel. It's dystopic, horror, fantasy? I've never been good at labeling my stories. I drew inspiration from a news article involving a small child killed by a woman, and Tool's album Lateralus. I wrote the story over a weekend, didn't take it to my writer's group for feedback and I didn't get paid for it. It turned out better than I thought it would. 

I formed a writer's group around 2008 with Brent D. Seth, author of Short Fuse and Short Fuse II: Loose Cannon, as well as a slew of other great fiction. The group consisted of about three or four of us, depending on who we'd made connections with at any given time, it ended in 2018. We parted ways due to the logistics and life changes. I miss it, but with travelling and being a writer it just doesn't seem possible to pick it back up. I do speak to Brent quite often, he helps me edit some of my stuff and gives me harsh feedback that helps me form my style and makes me better. He's one of my few writing mentors in this life who I connect with. 

So everything we love comes to an end and leaves us at some point. My world of writing has always been the replacement for those absences. Sometimes those ends leave me sad, melancholic and at my wits end. So I put my fat fingers on the home row keys and start typing to be taken away. Sometimes to a land that doesn't exist, sometimes to my favorite vacation resort, Stevats. But I love coming to this blog, right here, to bring you into my world and give you that vicarious sneak peek into this life. Thanks, as always for stopping by!

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