Tuesday, March 02, 2021

What does your Resume Look Like??? / My work History / Writing Blog / Horror Blog

Writing and actually making sense with it has taken a very long time. For more than thirty years, I worked full time or somewhere in between. Day in and day out I spent my creative life giving it to an employer, as so many of us do. I skipped college, because I was sucked into the life of purchasing a home, getting married, starting a family, in that order. I had to pay the bills. Writing, with no formal   training, was not going to give sustenance to the life I had. So, for years of adult life, I worked, I paid bills. I snuck in writing around every exhausted corner and in every nook I could fit it in. It was hard because I was devoting my creative head to my employment, so I had to take the energy left and put it into a skill I was an amateur at, barely growing with. It wasn't ideal, but I did it, and made the best of writing. 

I look at those years in hindsight and imagine what if I spent day after day writing. I would be at a sweeter spot, no doubt. I would have honed the craft, like I have so many skills in the jobs I've performed well at. I'd be a stellar writer and maybe making some money. Instead, and again this is not buyer's remorse to the life I created, I've learned the best I could and continue to do so. I have a network of resources and a great friend who has an eye for the best literature out there. I'm fortunate to have built a support system. I can't forget to shout out to my wife who tolerates my tirades and opinions when a character takes over, albeit without the horror. She is and will always be my blessing in disguise, mostly because she tolerates me, period. 

So I wanted to make sure that at the top of this page where it says, "Bibliography" that you can help support me by clicking one of the links and purchase something I've written. If you regret the purchase, by all means, leave a nasty review on Amazon about it, or better yet, send me a message. Any and all feedback is welcome 24/7.

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