Tuesday, March 02, 2021

What is The Gates of Chaos? / Can I find Tim Eagle in it? / Writing Blog / Horror Blog

I'm not going to beat a dead horse, okay, maybe I like the blood and guts, especially if you haven't read any of my other blog posts. The Gates of Chaos, what the hell is that? I can hear all of you now, "I've been seeing those damn posts for a month on your social media feeds, Tim."

It's an anthology, a collective of several horror authors who have submitted a short story and they have been published in a book, well, an e-book, soon to be soft back. I can still hear you asking questions, "But, Tim, what does that have to do with you and why are you obsessing about this anthology?" Yet another question that has been answered in another post, haven't you been reading? The name Jim Falcon ring a bell? I don't want to enable you too much, so scroll through the blog to figure it out. 

I'm not obsessing, there's a difference between obsessing and sharing my excitement for a book full of wholesome horror! This book features Jim Falcon's voice in his story, Vasectomus. I'll give you a link, you can purchase the e-book, to support this collective of published works, read them, and thank me later. I appreciate the support, as do all the other authors, in The Gates of Chaos. There's a link at the top and at the bottom of the page for those of you who want to buy my fiction as well as Jim Falcon's, as for now here's the link for you to support this endeavor of talent. The Gates of Chaos

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