Here is my answer/solution to someone asking how to get their YouTube channel exposure:
You need to think like a 13 year old and act like one on every platform, or post a live video game (making sure content is as non-educational as possible). Your content can't make much sense, you must create drivel most times, and change a soggy diaper on each of the teens watching it, in order to make something meaningful and true to your peers. You must also have every smart phone app that every lemming in the world has downloaded on your phone and be a user of said app. This will guarantee success! Or, just get out of the house, put on a pair of big girl/boy pants and get a job that pays by the hour. This will be therapeutic and grant great clarity in the world of true (in terms that most can relate to, IRL) socialization! Okay, just post your content anywhere you want and let the shitty algorithms, running in the background to make the rich, richer, work the best they can. I hope this helps! You're welcome.
How was I supposed to answer? Society has placed technology and smart phones in the hands of every five year old. Before a toddler learns to speak they know how to unlock an I-Pad or smartphone for that matter. Toddlers also know to smile every time their name is spoken and where to look to get an instant picture taken. The answer I gave was harsh, yes, but who gives a shit? The seven people who clicked the link and ventured to my writing and read this free article, that's who probably gives a shit. That is the only proof I need to whether my answer was appeasing or not. So please, please, sign off, as soon as you're done reading this. Come and play, come and play, forget about the movement, a phrase from Rage Against the Machine's song Freedom found here: Freedom .
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