Saturday, November 21, 2020

I Just Realized...It's been, I'm not dead, yet!

 Some things dawned on me today. One, that I'm slightly warped, no surprise there, and, two, it's damn hard to get into a writing routine. I've been home for a week, no work in sight, plan on taking off as a snow bird, and I've not written much of anything. I find myself gazing at older works, beating myself up, because I wasn't as evolved in the craft in these past arcane works. Through this calamity of thought, and a rampant mindset, I've been looking and attempting time management on what I really want to write. Will it be a collection of shorts, many of which are finished and need final touches? Will the outcome of my writing over the next five or six months be a finished novel? Will I be able to get into a routine of writing at all in our thirty foot motorhome?  All these questions and I still haven't found an idea, okay, maybe an idea, although it's foggy, obscured by the excitement of travel. The idea nests in my head or in a "KEEP" file titled with some weird character names that I'm hesitant to use because they belong in a great story. Anyway, I'm not dead, I'm alive, kicking, and taking precautions to live the best life. If I don't give all of you my fiction or rants here, you can always look at my mug over on our travel channel on youtube at, fair warning, I'm no Steven Spielberg. Thanks for stopping by, again, thanks for reading. If you haven't already purchased a softback copy of Blood, Dreams, & Tears, what are you waiting for? Buy one today, here, now, it's cheap! BLOOD, DREAMS, & TEARS  .

Don't forget to purchase Brent D. Seth's Book: Loose Cannon : Short Fuse II as well, I'm half way through, I'm a slow reader, and it's the best sci-fi book I've read since his first novel Short Fuse. You won't be let down!

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