Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Tim Eagle Update / New Fiction Publication

     So, right now, I have many fires brewing, okay, fires don't brew. I have a lot of fires roaring around me. I'm working on video for our Dark Nest Travels youtube channel, working on some great short stories, and working on getting my youtube cleaned up for Tim Eagle. Man, sometimes I feel like I'm going a little crazy with all these projects, but know it'll keep me out of trouble. I hope all of you have been doing well. My new story, written as Jim Falcon, has been accepted for publication as part of an anthology. The anthology, should be coming out in December, sometime, pending the project being finished, so I figured I'd give all of my fans, family and other readers a small taste of "Vasectomus", a very morbid tale, not for the faint of heart, hence being published under my nom de plume. Thanks for visiting, enjoy the excerpt below, and look forward to future links posted either here or on my social media platforms to purchase the book, thanks! If you don't hear from me on any platform, just know that I haven't given up on anyone, or life, and if I'm dead, well, that's up to my family to spread the word. I'm too busy writing and editing, or just enjoying life without tech. Sometimes, I have to take a deep breath, as do we all, and set our phones to the side, close the lid on our laptops and BREATHE. 

     Sabre’s crotch still throbbed. It felt like an inferno as he hobbled down the narrow basement steps. He struggled with the idea to tell Sue about his vasectomy, his secret, but couldn’t. Why would he? He knew what would follow, and as much work as he had put into keeping it secret, she’d think that he did it just to screw around on her. He did it because he didn’t want kids; it wasn’t so bad to not want children, but it was a point that was hard to drive home, to anyone. 

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