Sunday, July 04, 2021

Tim Eagle's Fiction and BLOG is now

 My new home, a place that I'll be releasing new books, updates and where you can sign up for free fiction in newsletter form! Click and go now, what are you waiting for?

Thursday, May 13, 2021

I am Writer, Read my Fiction / 1990 / Writing Blog / Horror Blog

Name a fond flashback that  helps define you?

Yesterday I took liberties to ask for feedback and created a poll. Now, I'm going to give you a glimpse of my past. This is a cliff's notes version of events that helped form who I am today. It's a quick read. Here's my Flashback!

First year of writing seriously. Seventeen.

This was one of two times, as a minor, where I met others who I connected with. Thad, Chris (who I knew since grade school), Shawn, Tom and a few others stepped into my life. 

Writing was an outlet, I had written a list of certain clothes, like a stalker, that another student wore to school each day of the week, looking for patterns in clothing choice, I probably have the notepad buried in a tote in my shed. I was also fascinated about the new serial killer Jeffery Dahmer, the first cannibal I'd ever heard about, that was on the news. I remember my friends huddling around my Tandy computer in my bedroom. I was writing a piece about Jimmy (me), and them. In the story I was the owner of a bar and all of us heard a wolf howling, that bar is Agent Orange which you will find peppered in some of my fiction. The place is a bar in Stevats. Of course the Wolfe was a nude female in the parking lot that would belong to Jimmy, because he found her. My head was an experiment of angst and perversion that often translated to the page. I also wrote a piece about a horny teenager that watched females jog through a prestigious neighborhood. Chris, my mature friend's sister got a hold of the story, read it, and assaulted its perversion. I still get a chuckle thinking about it, because an outsider to my group actually read a story I wrote.

That's it, that is the end of today's flashback. Now, if you want a suggestion of what Tim Eagle fiction to read, buy the 38 page sentimental novella titled Life Ship. I think you'll enjoy it. It's on Amazon, look for the title that has an Airstream on the cover. The book is cheap, .99 for the e-book and under $5 for the overly large paperback! Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

TBR(R) List / What's on YOUR list? / Writing Blog / Horror Blog

The BIG question is: What is on YOUR TBR(R) list? YOUR To Be Read Reviewed list? Please drop a comment with the title, author's name below. I and others here want to KNOW!

Now, you're probably scratching your head and wondering, what is on Tim Eagle's list? Maybe not, but you're going to find out. There are four on my Kindle. Here they are: J.D. Allen, They're Coming to get you Barbara!. Candace Nola, Breach. Cameron Lowe, The Ghost at his Back. Last but certainly not least, Lee Franklin, Sandgroper

Winter 2020 into this year has been interesting because I've come out of my shell and started networking with some awesome facebook groups, and made some great connections with other indie horror authors. I've also been reading, reviewing and supporting independent authors on the regular, and have enjoyed the process. My writing routines have strengthened, and for once in my life I don't have a nine to five, other than writing and editing my fiction. Our kids are adults and extremely independent, Maria and I are fortunate and count our blessings that they are healthy and capable, allowing us to progress in our marriage, travels, and life. We have missed them dearly during this pandemic and have faith that things will eventually get back to normal. So thanks for reading, thanks for supporting my writing endeavors, and don't forget to leave some comments below. Oh, and if you downloaded something I've written, head to Amazon and leave a review, it boosts my morale, and potential sales. If you haven't downloaded something by Tim Eagle, please add it to your TBR(R) list. Thank YOU ALL, from the bottom of my heart!

Monday, May 10, 2021

How does Anger translate in your Day To Day? / Anger is Healthy? / Writing Blog / Horror Blog

I know that Mother's Day was yesterday, and I failed, on my social media platforms, to acknowledge my partner/wife/bride of twenty plus years, Maria. She's the type that respectfully hides from these platforms because she's smart. She still scrolls through them, yes, but she's stealthy about it. I owe her so much because she's the person who diffuses me when, anger, yes a powerful word and emotion, surges through me. Being a writer I have had some, and I say it loosely, some, surges of physical anger but it is a rare unicorn in my life. It's not in my nature to act out physically because, WHY? Emotional anger is plenty enough!

She's a better person than me in that she doesn't get  angry, mad, maybe, but she stays calm, and snuffs my fuse out with a soothing mantra. Okay, that sounded too romantic, she tells me to STOP, and I listen. Why? Because I respect her , and know that her telling me to stop means she's concerned for my health and that anger is not worthy of the energy that I'm giving it. Sometimes I describe it on the page when I write about the ass-hat who had pushed those buttons. Anger translates on the page with horror fiction better than any costly therapist.

So to end this short post, I'm going to shout out a LOUD, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to my partner/wife/bride, MARIA! I don't give her enough credit, and she deserved more than this post, but for now, this is what I'm offering! Thanks for reading!

Sunday, May 09, 2021

Happy Mother's Day! / Movie Pet Peeves / The Deer Hunter / Writing Blog / Horror Blog

First off, Happy Mother's day to everyone, especially, my mom, Lorraine Eagle, I love you! 

I delivered her Mother's day gift yesterday, a couple delicious bags of Lindt Chocolates, along with M&M's, those are her favorites. The picture is of my mom and her mother, my Grandma Ruby (one of my horror fans who I discussed the Bruised Man with on many occasions and conversations) she has since left us and I miss her and those conversations dearly.

What is your favorite movie genre? Or if you have more than one, what are they?

I stick with horror, the macabre and a good documentary.

I do have pet peeves within the horror genre and in this post I will cover two, I don't want to go on and on with my realist views, because that could very well turn into a trope. 

Maria and I just watched The Deer Hunter, not horror, I watched it three times and I cried for the first time this past watch. I think I was reading into the symbolism and got caught up in the drama. I'm sure when that movie was released people were getting fed up with Vietnam themed movies of the time, i.e. Taxi Driver, Apocalypse now, etc. I can't get enough of them. It was those genre's of movies that defined the horrors of war and the after effects on the very humans that served in them. That is my movie watching recommendation for all of you. So add it to your list.

Okay, now I'm going to discuss two overdone movie tropes/clichés that I've come to despise.

I hate a character that takes pills to stop seeing monsters, the ethereal, and hauntings. It's been overdone. When's the last time you were scared of something and you actually popped a pill so that you didn't see it? Probably never! 

Have you ever been so scared or chased by someone or something and found a good hiding place? Probably not, but if you did find said hiding place, did you cower there? Or, drum roll please, cover your mouth with your hand to stop from screaming or breathing too loudly! NO! NO YOU DID NOT! This is overdone and ABSURD!

Okay, those were two short movie peeves I have. Be sure to list yours in the comments. Thanks for reading. 

Friday, May 07, 2021

The Nose Knows / Krae / New W.I.P / Writing Blog / Horror Blog

I've been mentioning my novella, Benson, a lot. I failed to mention I have another story finished that will be available at some point in the next three months or more. Krae, if you haven't translated the word, Krae yet, it means, crow. She has a heightened sense of smell. This post is going to be quick as I have to get back to her needs on the page. The story is in a critical round of edits, and if I don't get back to it, it may get cold. I can't neglect the stories needs any longer. Here's a small taste of Krae and her sensitivity:

Imagine a dog and a toddler. The toddler leaves a bathroom, the dog’s a hundred feet away and the toddler has shit on the ass or better yet, rolling down the leg. The shit smells one thousand times more potent to the dog than it does to the parent who has the task of cleaning it up. The dog isn’t troubled. In fact, the protein in the feces is an attraction because it smells like dinner. My nose is like that dog’s. I can smell a lot of things, intricately and intensely, because my condition provides my olfactory with hypersensitivity. My nose always knows.

Thursday, May 06, 2021

Love Has Won / Love has DIED / Writing Blog / Horror Blog

A few months ago, in a deep effort to research, I was sucked into a cult like group named "Love Has Won". The cult was disturbing, to say the least, so I was intrigued. I wanted to learn more,  eventually hopping on to one of the "live streams" hosted here on, yours truly, facebook. 

In a "nut" shell and I put emphasis on the word "NUT", the cult was about a woman who claimed to have lived  over five hundred different lives. This woman, Amy Carlson, also said she was GOD. You heard it right. The woman was an alcoholic, abandoned two of her children and convinced  followers that she was bringing peace to the world. 

I didn't believe their cause or doctrine. I did have to study this cult-de-personality. There's one reason that I put any energy into this woman. She resembled my character Quinn in my novel, Symptom, (release date sometime in the distant future, short story can be found in Morpheus Tales Magazine #5 on Amazon). 

A theory I have is that this woman stumbled on my short story , was enamored by it, like the editor of the magazine was, and she became Quinn's background story. I know, laughable, but feasible. She was actually found, like so many other cult leaders of the world, dead. Fortunately her group of followers weren't found deceased. She was partially mummified, wrapped up in  material with Christmas lights strewn around her body. She was dead for approximately a month. 

No disrespect to the dead, but if you claim to be God, you would not have let a disease like alcoholism destroy your "temple". I wanted to toss this information out there, for the record and for the curious here on Tim Eagle Fiction. View this as my "snapshot" of gas prices during a new presidential administration. A small window into the world, and take from it what you will. There are times when I vicariously jump into a research topic, but  I never get burned by the fires. The flames hurt too much. Thanks for reading.